Waterstops are a highly necessary material used in concrete in order to stop leakage of any type of fluid, most commonly water. This fluid is usually expected to be embedded and runs between concrete joints. This only means that in order to prevent leakage of any hazardous material, waterstops, regardless of the type and depending on where to be installed, have to be inserted in between joints to lock the fluid inside. This action lessens the possibility of cracking and allows for greater flexibility of any structure.
There are several types of waterstop – Rubber and PVC.
1. Dumb-bell Type Plain
2. Dumb-bell Type with Center Bulb
3. Corrugated Type with Center Bulb
4. Rib Type with Center Bulb
5. Fin Type with Center Bulb
Material for Waterstop.
A. Neoprene Rubber
B. Natural Rubber
C. PVC(Polyvinyl Chloride)
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Rubber & PVC Waterstop